At the July 25, 2017 Rotary Meeting, we were honored to have Mr. Denny Gagnon from Honor Flight Chicago join us and tell us about this organization and his role as a volunteer. Currently Honor Flight Chicago is sending WW II and Korean War Vets to Washington D.C. for the day. This program started about 12 years ago and is a 501(C)3 organization - Ifwhich means they receive NO Federal funding. It costs approximately $200,000 per flight (even though Southwest Airlines supplies the airplane), costs are still incurred for the pilots, flight assistants, fuel, equipment rental, buses, etc. They run about 7 flights per year - taking 100-110 per flight along with 130 volunteers per fight. Actual volunteers are about 400 for all the prep work and actual day of activities.
We presented and donated a check in the amount of $250.00 to Honor Flight - Chicago.
Happy News was shared and we welcomed back David Cain who was feeling good after his surgery.
Al conducted trivia about "Famous Lasts."
Mark your calendar for August 22nd. Jim Saul invited everyone to his home for a "Going Away" get together for Karen, who is moving to Colorado. Please RSVP to Jim if you wish to attend, so he knows for food and beverages.